Wine god saith

Real journalism isn’t created in newsrooms, but in the places where news actually happens.  That’s why from time to time your intrepid correspondent packs his duffel, dons trench coat and fedora, and sets off to get the story.  And so, when earlier this week the rare opportunity arose to cop an interview with (HELLO!!) the god of wine himself, he tucked his trusty IBM Selectric under his arm and raced to the place of rendezvous, where he found the deity walking his panther and in a chatty mood. What follows are excerpts from that conversation.

THE WINE IDEA: You’re looking fabulous for age 8000 or so, WG. What’s your secret?

WINE GOD:  A lot of working out, of course, and a really good night cream is essential. But, hey, when Zeus is your pops you’ve lucked into some seriously good genes.

TWI: It’s a great look. Who does your vine leaves?

WG: I have this amazing guy in a little salon in Thrace. Genius, but totally neurotic.  Want to pet my cat Spots? She’s a rescue.

TWI:  Let’s get down to business, shall we?  You’ve said that the modern world has wine all wrong. Care to elaborate?

WG: Look, the whole thing has become too complicated even for yours truly — a divinity, for god’s sake!  All those appellations and varietals to keep track of. Back in the day,  shelf talkers were unknown and the 100 point rating scale was on nobody’s radar. No glossy lifestyle ‘zines, no “wine appreciation” classes. Celebrity sommeliers — what’s up with that?  Wine wasn’t yet in the intimidation business, you see.  We weren’t the kind of people to be pushed around by a skin-macerated  Pinot Grigio.  It was fun. There was joy in it.

TWI:  I admit, wine can seem more like work than play today.  What advice can you give us that might resurrect the primordial, vinous bliss you speak of?

WG:  I’ll share with your readers the same words of wisdom I’ve given Nebuchadnezzar, Henry VIII and Julia Child:  (1) Drink wine that comes from a farm, not a factory;  (2) Eschew trends and brands;  (3) Trust your own taste, but give it room to grow; (4) Find yourself a local shop where the staff is passionate and knowledgeable about wine and be loyal to it.

TWI:  That’s it? Sounds a little simplistic, I have to say.

WG:  Hey, who’s the god here, anyway? You’ve already made us late for off-leash hour at the panther park. Up, Spots, and away!